(t) 016973 49951 (m) 07726 553 779
(e) emma@longthwaitehouse.co.uk Cuddy Lonning, Wigton, CA7 8NR
​Longthwaite Cattery Booking Conditions 2024
A telephone inquiry/provisional booking is only confirmed as an actual booking when a completed booking form has been received by us.
Cats can only be accepted on condition they have been fully vaccinated within the last 12 months and not less than four weeks prior to boarding. The certificates must be seen by us before any cat can enter the cattery.
Please worm your cat two weeks, and treat for fleas one week, prior to arrival.
To hep your cat feel at home, please bring in your cat(s)’ food, their scratching post, an item of clean bedding that smells of your house eg a clean towel, and some toys.
Please ensure that all bedding, scratching posts, toys etc brought in with your cat are clean, and so free of flea eggs. We can accept no responsibility for damage these by your cat, and any destroyed bedding or toys will be disposed of. It is the owner’s responsibility to notify anyone collecting cat(s) on their behalf of this condition.
Any alteration to arrival or collection dates are subject to availability of chalets.
Booked arrival and collection dates / times will be confirmed by text no less than two-weeks prior to the arrival date, after which we will be unable to alter bookings.
Each night a cat is in residence counts as a whole day for booking / collection purposes, unless the booking is for less than 48 hours, which will count as 1.5 days.
All fees are payable when the cat(s) arrive into the cattery.
We accept cash and card payments.
Cats arriving late will be charged from the original date/time of the confirmed booking.
Refunds cannot be made for early collection of cats.
Cats can only be entered or collected from the cattery within our opening hours. Owners missing an opening period should ring Emma (07726 553 779) to arrange collection at the next slot. Please note our opening hours at the top of this form. Any cat left longer than dates booked will be charged for each extra night of residence, payable when the cat is collected.
No cat can be accepted into the cattery without an Emergency UK contact name, address and telephone number. In the event of being unable to contact the owners, the contact will be consulted over any issues arising whilst the cat is in the cattery. Owners must make the contact aware of this responsibility.
We encourage owners to provide their cats’ food, but if the cat(s) will not eat it or it runs out before the end of their stay, we will provide suitable food at a cost of £1.50 per day per cat, payable at the time of collection.
Should your cat be found to be hosting fleas or worms we will administer treatment accordingly, and charge the cost at the time of collection.
All cats must be in a secure basket/carrier at all times when owners bring them in and when they are collected, and we can accept no responsibility for loss or injury of unsecured cats.
No dogs may be brought onto the cattery site. Please leave any dogs secure in your car.
On arrival, your cat will be taken into the cattery by our staff. Owners may enter with their cat, but to ensure the safety and health of all cats, instructions given by cattery staff must be followed closely.
Whilst every care and attention is given, the proprietors accept no responsibility for injury to your cat due to his/her own behavior whilst resident in the cattery.
In the event of a cat not being collected at the agreed collection date/time, we will try to communicate with the owner / their contact, before proceeding with appropriate re-homing action after 7 days.